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Outdoor Learning

Here you can find more information about our outdoor learning.


  • To deliver sessions to EYFS and KS1 children in outdoor locations such as Millennium Woods, the school garden and Leafield Recreation ground/ play park.
  • For all EYFS and KS1 children in school to have opportunities to further develop their knowledge and understanding of the outdoors and develop physical skills through regular outdoor learning sessions.
  • For children to have the opportunity to ‘learn through play’ and self-direct their own learning, in the outdoors, throughout the seasons.
  • To follow the progression of the National Curriculum for Science/ DT/ Geography/ PSCHE/ Literacy/ Maths/ Art, etc. through Cornerstones curriculum (where appropriate in sessions) and the EYFS Understanding of the World and Personal, Social, Emotional development.
  • Give children a strong understanding and respect for the outdoor world around them.
  • To enable children opportunities to be resourceful, resilient, respectful risk-takers who understand that they are responsible for their own safety and actions.
  • To support children to develop problem-solving and social skills.
  • To teach children outdoors in a way that encourages curiosity, stimulates creative thoughts, and develops pupils’ enjoyment and skills.
  • To nurture independence and encourage children to ask questions about the world they live in.
  • To encourage teachers to use the outdoors at every opportunity to enhance other curriculum subjects


  • Termly plans with clear progression of skills and opportunities to develop responsibility with risk.
  • Delivery of elements of curriculum subjects following the EYFS and National Curriculum (enhanced with cornerstones).
  • Teaching and learning plans for holistic approaches and opportunities to develop learner-centred approaches.
  • Skills are taught through practical demonstration and ample opportunities to contextualise and assimilate ideas are given.
  • Children with additional needs are supported by adults where necessary and additional support is in place for SEN pupils to enable them to access the sessions at the appropriate level.
  • Children in small groups have opportunities to reflect on sessions for our ‘Outdoor Explorers’ display. 
  • Sessions aim to revise and develop previous learning, build on prior knowledge and link ideas together, enabling them to question and learn through practical exploration.
  • Specialist vocabulary is taught and built upon and effective questioning to communicate ideas is encouraged.


  • Children will develop a deep respect for nature.
  • Children will develop a knowledge and understanding of the outdoor environment and its importance in our lives.
  • Children will have opportunities to experience the mental health and well-being benefits that are afforded from quality time in an outdoor setting.
  • Children will learn responsibility for their own safety through being supported to make their own positive-risk decisions in an outdoor environment.
  • Children talk positively about their experiences in outdoor learning.
  • Children will meet curriculum goals.