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Emotional Support, Play Therapy and Therapy Dog

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting children's wellbeing, we have an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) working in our school. This specially trained Teaching Assistant is part of Oxfordshire Local Authority's ELSA programme and attends regular updates. Children are referred for this support by their teacher. The Headteacher and Special Educational Needs Coordinator manage which children receive this support. Children usually have 6 weekly sessions and these take place in The Cabin. Children usually greatly benefit from these sessions. ELSA support can help with ongoing friendship difficulties, self-esteem issues, worries or anxieties. 

For children with more complex emotional difficulties, the school employs a Play Therapist through a local Oxfordshire company: The PlayWorks. These sessions also take place in The Cabin. 

Our Therapy Dog - Red

We are very lucky to have introduced a School Therapy Dog to the team to support and enhance our learning and well-being provision. Her name is Red, and she is a 4-year-old Labrador who lives with Mrs Kenny and her family. Red and Mrs Kenny have completed their training and have earned full Visiting Therapy Dog accreditation.

Having dogs in schools has been proven to:

  • Help develop learners' reading skills and self-confidence
  • Improve behaviour and attendance
  • Support emotional regulation
  • Improve academic confidence
  • Develop an understanding of responsibility, empathy and nurturing skills
  • Help with social skills
  • When dogs are in a classroom, the children become less tense, less self-conscious and become more confident because dogs are non-judgemental. If children are partnered with dogs, the dog provides comfort, encourages positive social behaviour, enhances self-esteem, motivates speech and inspires the child to have fun and enjoy the experience of learning.